Jade Couture AKA Natasha Malkova is as pretty and sweet and natural as they come from Southern California. She first gives you the impression that she’s a bit reserved, but when you ask her to strip down or do something provocative, you can’t sense the least bit of hesitation. Jade keeps close with her small group of friends and they enjoy going out on hikes and other random excursions in nature.
Although she is friendly and full of smiles, one can sense that Jade is a quiet and thoughtful person. She claims that when she was young, her parents kept her in unflattering clothes and hence made her feel a bit like the ugly duckling in school. Seems like that is no longer the case.
A while ago I became intrigued with photos that I found floating on the net where you see a girl clothed and then right next to it, the same girl in a similar pose but with less clothing on. When I met Ingrid Hayes for this shoot, I explained the concept and we gave it a go. Ingrid is a pleasant young lady with the essence of a hipster, however I still think she’s pretty cool.
I poked around her place for items we could use as a prop and she whipped out a 35mm film camera that she got at Urban Outfitters. I only ever owned one film camera and it was a broken one that I don’t think I ever figured out how to work. I never found where to plug in the USB cable to download the photos?!?
Once I saw Natalie Moore on a preview trailer for an adult site, I knew I had to photograph her for Zishy. Natalie was no disappointment. She brought the vibrance that had caught my attention. Though she is in porn, I suspected she had a creative mind and a truly devious nature.
She was not simply perv-for-pay as so many girls are in the industry. Mix that in with her looks and you have a winner .We took these at a buddy’s place who has an exquisite little garden. Natalie offered the idea of climbing the tree in her dress and heel
Being the complete and utterly modest gentleman that I am, I insisted that Eva Lovia crash in my bed when she stayed overnight at my place. So upon awaking in my living room, I had a grand idea to photograph Eva in the early morning light, without makeup, without fixed hair, Nothing.
I suspected her raw beauty was the kind that could pull it off. I am thinking you will agree. Luckily, I enjoy staying in shape. I run and swim regularly. I say luckily because try to think of how much strain a man’s heart must undergo by having a magnificent creature such as Eva, roll around in front of him in the wee hours of the morn.
Danica Ensley back at it with her fun and positive personality. I asked her if she’d be cool with drinking and getting playful with milk for some photos. She was like, for shizz. Then she started lapping up milk like a kitty.
And I was like, ahhh yeah! She’s a perfect beauty inside and out. Loyal as all hell to her man, attentive and caring towards her nephews, ready to work hard and do a good job at whatever task is in front of her. There needs to be more like her. Danica for life!