A while ago I became intrigued with photos that I found floating on the net where you see a girl clothed and then right next to it, the same girl in a similar pose but with less clothing on. When I met Ingrid Hayes for this shoot, I explained the concept and we gave it a go. Ingrid is a pleasant young lady with the essence of a hipster, however I still think she’s pretty cool.
I poked around her place for items we could use as a prop and she whipped out a 35mm film camera that she got at Urban Outfitters. I only ever owned one film camera and it was a broken one that I don’t think I ever figured out how to work. I never found where to plug in the USB cable to download the photos?!?
Nicole Wetzel has legs for days. Probably legs for nights as well. She spares the smiles in this gallery. I must have given her that direction. Or, perhaps she is one of those rare women that do not find me to be all that humorous. That’s fine, Nicole. Be serious. Be Posh.
I’m going to make you look tantalizing without even a grin. When you throw a short skirt and heels on a leggy 19-year-old, you are cooking with gasoline. I don’t usually cook with gasoline, per say, but I do like the smell of it. Outkast says that everyone likes the smell of gasoline. I’m glad I am not alone on that one. And I don’t think I’m alone in saying Nicole is spectacular with a capital ‘S’.
Domino Madsen is a 20 year-old from Texas with a generally curious attitude. She saw an ad that I put up for modeling in a scandalous category of a popular online classifieds site. She said she was awake late one night getting a kick from reading the various listings for private massages and escort services.
She saw my ad and said it was the only one that seemed ‘legit’ and so she sent in a response. When I first saw her pics, I was a bit skeptical because she had such a wholesome appearance. I didn’t want to get my hopes up just to be flaked on again… it happens a lot. But in the end, Domino was for real and seemed to enjoy being a wee bit devious out on the streets of Los Angeles.
Dillion Harper is unique inside and out. On the surface, she has one of the most striking figures I have ever seen. And inside, she has a sweet and accommodating personality to write home about.
We hit up Taco Bell for snacks on this warm day and then I showed Dillion a talking seagull at the gas station at Sunset and PCH. No joke. Just about anything is possible in Malibu.
A while back, when I was renting a portrait studio, for Gawd knows what reason, I met Noyemi Chenian. She is one of the many Armenian Americans who call Glendale, CA their home. She wanted to get some sexy rebellious shots for her modeling portfolio and I was much obliged to help.
Her hair was in its own rebellion due to a rare LA rain shower, but 19 year-old “No” was stunning. Although the whole gallery leaves quite a bit un-revealed, I figured it was better to share Noyemi’s beauty rather than not. Before you swarm me with requests, know that your humble narrator has already tried to get her back for more risque material. Tried.
Dasha Krasova stands almost six feet tall and came to America recently by way of Siberia, Russia. She has modeled all over the world, mostly in the category of fashion editorial, yet is only 20 years young. It took some persuasion to have her grace Zishy.
Because, along with her impressive looks, Dasha brought some conservative Orthodox values to the States. In the end, my persistence wore her down and she managed to crack a smile on several occasions and seemed at ease. She is definitely a sweet and beautiful woman I would love to photograph again.