Natalie Moore Sand Crackles

Natalie Moore is originally from Maryland. So when I asked if I could photograph her enjoying some SoCal beach rays, the idea met with a resounding ‘yes’. We made sure to first cool our innards with frozen drinks provided by Taco Bell, a proud sponsor of Zishy. I wish.

Then we hit Playa Vista and turned heads at the basketball courts. I suppose they found me attractive. Once we got to the water, it did not take long for sand to crawl up every crevice of Natalie’s. After moshing with waves, she rinsed at the showers alongside some kiddos. Even today, my car’s backseat holds sandy souvenirs from this outing with Natalie Moore. It was worth it.

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Tristan Berrimore Burb Perv

It was not hard to bring the rebel side out of Tristan Berrimore. We took these in one of the nicer neighborhoods of North Hollywood. Tristan is from Florida. Apparently, there are lots of naughty kids in that state. You ever seen the movie, Bully? That had a lasting impression of the Floridian youth on me.

I also recall the one time I was in the Sunshine State. It was for a wedding and we took the groom out for an impromptu bachelor party. At the club, the most eye-catching stripper wore a smile full of braces and did not look a lick above 17. Through my covert investigation, I discovered that my suspicions were justified. They grow up fast in Florida. True story.

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Jules Diamond Modern Guilt

Jules Diamond allowed me to photograph her at her place. Some girls are hesitant about that sort of thing, but I tell them that its safer for the girl to invite me to their place then for the girl to enter a complete stranger’s home, right? Plus, who wants to have to pack all sorts of crap into a suitcase and battle the Los Angeles traffic?
Also, potential models often ask if I hire a makeup artist or if I have a photo studio. I swiftly confess that I only photograph girls who do not need professional makeup in order to look appealing. And if I was limited to shooting in the same environment each time, I’d feel like a mouse on an exercise wheel. For better or worse, I’ll stick to winging it.


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Geri Burgess Type Oh

Captain Obvious here again to report that Geri Burgess is incredible. A few months ago, her beauty earned her a contract with a “mainstream” modeling agency. However, recently someone posted all her Zishy links along with her agency page to an online forum. It was surprising since she is published here under a pseudonym.

So someone either seriously did their homework, or what I suspect is more likely, someone who personally knows Geri did her this disservice. Long story short, Geri seems to have been dropped by the moronic agency. I did my best to console her and said she was better off without them. They seemed too small-time for Geri’s potential anyways. Puritans really have no business representing the Bold & Beautiful of this world.

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April Grantham Permanent Staycation

I once had a job. It was not exactly what I would call a stressful job, and I did work for a great man. Just the same, it was a job and it sucked. I am not saying that you should say fuck-all to your ‘career’, refuse to sit in front of a computer trying to make other people rich, and just do something that makes you happy. I would never say that. However, it did work for me (so far). And no, my life is not perfect, in fact, very far from it.

But most days, even if just for a few moments, you will find something bright from ear to ear on my face. And no one ever confuses it as belonging to someone else. April Grantham hardly ever stops smiling. It appears to be completely natural. I dig that. The song April rocks out to in the video is “Dance Pt. 1” from the Rolling Stones.

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Essie Halladay Whats Up Doc 2

I found one of the comments in the previous gallery to be spot-on. It recognized that Essie Halladay is a gift. I am confident that you will never find images of her anywhere else. See, Essie has a private personality, is a day dreamer, seems to be quite introverted, and rarely follows through with her engagements.

Most people probably get frustrated and simply give up on Essie. Understandable, but unfortunate. When Essie finally comes through, it is like a wonderful dream that you only wish you could have every time you sleep. The lessons of Essie: be relentless, be prepared, be grateful.

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Gillian Barnes Irish Chipotle

By heavy demand, Gillian Barnes returns. You guys probably liked her also. Gillian can be shy, but once she warms up, she reminds me why I do this sort of thing.

Beauty is fleeting, which is probably we why all consider it special and which why many of us try to hold on to it with a kung fu death grip. Thank Gillian for making your world a happier place. I have.

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April Grantham Sins Of Drought

April Grantham cares about the environment, cares about animals, even cares about people. This quaint tub and the prospect of a cooling bath made April indulge in the, arguably, unnecessary water use; but for a good cause. See, California is in the midst of a serious drought. I have driven through areas that resemble the Dust Bowl from the 1930s.

I have seen lakes that have all but dried up completely. Lakeside real estate and the boating community is suffering dearly. This is serious. The dire situation calls for drastic measures. If you are an attractive person and you crave a bath, I urge you to have someone with a camera document the event. You might as well share the enjoyment with as many possible. Thanks for leading the way, April. In all seriousness, please send water.

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Marina Visconti Russian 101

Thanks for the patience with these gallery notes. It’s funny to see some of you hate on pornstars, which do not make up 95% of the site. I am not sure what the percentage is, but it is certainly less than half. Anyways, think about what you are saying.

You can not visually appreciate a woman’s beauty if she has done something that you do not approve of, on camera, at some point in her life. The imagination is a powerful thing. Powerful like Russian women. Hell, I would marry one even if she was not a virgin. Sarcasm inferred.

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Nina North Warm Smell of Colitas

Nina North is back in Los Angeles. She gets bold on the beach this time around. Many tourists, and possibly locals, stop on the PCH to enjoy the views. I like to trip on the thought of all the history this region has seen.

From Walt Disney to Helter Skelter, Southern California has been one of America’s favorite whores. And you have to respect and show gratitude, especially to whores. Keep the beach clean and pick up after yourself. Nina did not require any retouching, but I can not say the same about the coastline.

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