Eva Lovia Wakey Wakey

Being the complete and utterly modest gentleman that I am, I insisted that Eva Lovia crash in my bed when she stayed overnight at my place. So upon awaking in my living room, I had a grand idea to photograph Eva in the early morning light, without makeup, without fixed hair, Nothing.

I suspected her raw beauty was the kind that could pull it off. I am thinking you will agree. Luckily, I enjoy staying in shape. I run and swim regularly. I say luckily because try to think of how much strain a man’s heart must undergo by having a magnificent creature such as Eva, roll around in front of him in the wee hours of the morn.

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Emily Archer So Fruity

Between my shoots with Emily Archer, I somehow managed to forget how goofy and humorous she could be. Her laugh is rather adorable. And as a model, Emily is a chameleon. It felt like with each different outfit she wore, her personality evolved.

To be honest, she appeared to grow more joyful with the less clothing she was in, which is definitely not my usual experience. As for the wardrobe here, she decided to throw on a men’s t-shirt and all of the sudden she went from glam to girlfriend. The sessions with Emily Archer will always dwell pleasantly in my memory.

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Delia Castillo Editors Cut

Delia Castillo is a rare find. She has the beauty of a delicate bird but the rough edge of a young Latina who was born and raised in Orange County, CA. I had a brief shoot with Delia on a Friday afternoon and we only had enough time to capture two updates for the site.

Thanks to a subscriber, I was reminded to publish this second gallery. It never hurts to ask, so if you ever wonder whether more of your particular favorite girl is coming up please drop me an email. My long-time mentor, J. Stephen Hicks, would always proclaim his mantra, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

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Marley Kunis Spider Monkeyin

This is the night that I met Marley Kunis. She’s a wonderful girl from Portland who thought she would come out to LA and make some quick money in the adult industry. That decision was probably fueled by her eccentric spirit which seems difficult to contain.

Before her first hardcore scene, Marley had a change of heart and decided to cut her losses and head back home in tears. Later, when I asked what happened, she said she ‘pussied’ out. I disagree. I think it took more courage to make a last-minute 180 than to just go with the flow to avoid disappointing others. I suppose when you are all of 18 years old, being a bit flaky can be excused.

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Dillion Harper Little Squirt

Dillion Harper is unique inside and out. On the surface, she has one of the most striking figures I have ever seen. And inside, she has a sweet and accommodating personality to write home about.

We hit up Taco Bell for snacks on this warm day and then I showed Dillion a talking seagull at the gas station at Sunset and PCH. No joke. Just about anything is possible in Malibu.

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Tristan Berrimore Home Entertainment

Here we have Tristan Berrimore playing video games, which is obviously a fiction. We all know girls do not play video games. Let’s not kid ourselves, guys. If you want to meet women, put down that controller and go to a yoga class or take some Salsa lessons. Go ahead and crucify me and talk about the rare exceptions to the rule.

But never forget the reasoning behind the rule. Tristan was having a bit too much fun relaxing in the chair, so I suggested she get her heart pumping on the elliptical trainer. Oddly enough, it mostly just sent my heart racing.

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Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt

This gallery of Lana Zuyeva is a personally historic one. It was right on the cusp of me deciding what I wanted to do with my photos. I was having fun shooting all sorts of subjects, but I began to realize that the most fun for me was photographing girls being semi-inappropriate. I also noticed that I was enamored by images that did not show explicit nudity.

It’s not that I don’t love naked girls. Ninja, please. I just prefer the nail-biting anticipation which can only be delivered if certain things are left unseen. Lana is from Russia and has one hell of a figure, not to mention her amazingly fun personality. She is almost as goofy and perverted as myself. We became friends after the shoot and I showed her my favorite 24/7 burrito joint and she showed me how not to drive a car.

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Alyson Grey Queen Of Dreams

Alyson Grey is one cool cat. She did not even flinch when I asked if I could photograph her in this sheer gown. Alyson is also creative outside of modeling. She loves to paint and is deeply inspired by Matisse.

Having friended her on Facebook, I was pleasantly surprised to learn of our similar interests in music. She was first to introduce me to Lorde, who I enjoyed until the radio made me sick of the Kiwi’s voice. That’s fine. Alyson will always be royal in my book.

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Delia Castillo Black Tights and Sun

Delia Castillo is a petite Latina from Southern Cali. I had her photographically explore the phenomena of the black-tight-trend with me. It is a recurring theme that has mystified many a male in the colder months. It’s as if the female gender found the perfect way to give the finger to Father Winter who said you couldn’t look sexy and stay relatively warm.
And when the sun shines bright, pure magic occurs. Lululemon may not describe it in such a positive manner. They are a yoga apparel manufacturer that came under fire recently for selling products that were transparent in direct light. Apparently many girls were doing yoga without panties under their Lulu-pants. What is this world coming to?


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Debbie Vogel Ghetto Blasters

Debbie Vogel has this aura about her that I credit to her upbringing in San Francisco. She’s easy-going, often flustered, and open to creativity. We took these right before I rushed her to catch a bus back to the Bay area. This street, devoted to places that sell automotive glass, is also a spot where day laborers loiter on the sidewalk.
Consequentially, Debbie was timid to take these pictures in front the graffiti wall, but understandably so. One worker decided it was a perfect opportunity to bust out his crappy cell phone and do his own photography of my muse. I had to holler at the bastard to give us 30 seconds of semi-privacy. We took our shots and Debbie earned my respect as a girl willing to go the distance.
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