Hannah Kinney Polite Pool

Your rain dances have been answered, Hannah Kinney is back. If there was a tally of how many direct emails I get about any specific girl, I’m sure Hannah’s name would be at the top of the list. This sultry beauty is also a guilty pleasure of mine. She’s like that Skrillex song that I hate to admit is really fucking good.

To explain, I am not one who usually goes for piercings or tattoos. Hannah has plenty of both. Nonetheless, her smile and her sex appeal make me forget about my hangups. Now, I’m not so naive to think that any female is all sweet and no sour, but Hannah sure does have a way about her. She’s from Missouri and is in college studying graphic design. More H K to come.

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Dora Flynn Ginger Suites

These photos of Dora Flynn have me itching to return to Las Vegas. I do not care about gambling. I do not care for expensive live shows. Alcohol, strippers, and crowded dance floors do not pique my interest. What drives me is a hunger for another kind of fun. I enjoy spectating the extravagance that is Vegas.
And I love to photograph beautiful women with this backdrop. Dora came South from Canada to the Nevada oasis to be with her video game romance, meaning that she met her bf while gaming online and decided to roll the dice with Sin City. Dora visibly gets a thrill showing off her flexibility and French tongue. Resort fees are lame, but they are a small to pay for my type of fun. Hope you enjoy this petite & bendy ginger and have a winning weekend.
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Piper Candless Windmills At Dawn

If you’re not big on tattoos, I feel ya. If you do not like Piper Candless, tough. I have a few galleries on her. I had to trek back up to Palm Springs just to photograph Piper. She was leaving the area, so the window of opportunity was mighty slim. Nonetheless, I knew that I had to capture this eccentric beauty with her athletic body for your eyes.

We woke up at the crack of dawn for these images. Piper had her espresso, I had my camera. We get out there and within minutes, she tells me that this setting calls for her to strip out of her clothes. Alright, Piper. No complaints here. Can you see the Ryan McGinley influence on this one?

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Kelly Lamprin Christian Household

Kelly Lamprin is the ‘cat’s pajamas’, which is a phrase used by hipsters of the 1920’s to describe a person who is the best at what they do. And it is hard to think of anyone who could rock this sheer turtleneck bodysuit better than Kelly. The only complaint I have is with the Moire pattern created by the fabric and my camera. Shucks!

For the ultra-curious, the picture frames are on the floor because this home was in the middle or redecoration. In the next gallery of Kelly’s, we’ll show you the house’s large walk-in shower and there will be no Moire pattern since there will be no clothes on this incredible girl. Good Lord! Ff you are as enamored by Kelly as I am, you do not want to miss it.

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Courtney Laudner Danger Pool

Courtney Laudner is a natural beauty who drove out to LA from Apple Valley. She struck me as a bit quiet and reserved. But then she told me that she has a wild side. Perhaps its all relative. People from that area tend to be rather religious … Conservative Christian religious.
I once had to drive through Apple Valley and it seemed every other radio station was playing a song about Jesus and Glory and all that Salvation business. I just hope the rapture doesn’t come too soon. I would like to photograph a few more lovely girls like Courtney before all is said and done.
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Jeska Vardinski Breaks My Mold

There are many reasons why Jeska Vardinski does not fit alongside most Zishy models. There are even several reasons why this pictorial is not particularly shot in the usual Zishy style. However, there are 2 good reasons why I am still putting it up. 1)Jeska Vardinski is beautiful and 2)Jeska has attitude and knows how to show it. I, myself, will admit to being a hater when it comes to tattoos.

But, when I see some of Jeska’s, I’m like, “Damn, that looks pretty cool.” I shot her a couple years back when I was contemplating Zishy. At the time, I was leaning towards featuring nudity on the site. But obviously, that’s all changed. Hope you don’t hate me too much for giving some censored views of Jeska completely clad.

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Jade Couture Morning Showers

Jade Couture AKA Natasha Malkova is as pretty and sweet and natural as they come from Southern California. She first gives you the impression that she’s a bit reserved, but when you ask her to strip down or do something provocative, you can’t sense the least bit of hesitation. Jade keeps close with her small group of friends and they enjoy going out on hikes and other random excursions in nature.

Although she is friendly and full of smiles, one can sense that Jade is a quiet and thoughtful person. She claims that when she was young, her parents kept her in unflattering clothes and hence made her feel a bit like the ugly duckling in school. Seems like that is no longer the case.

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Holly Benson Leotard Formal

Holly Benson said this outfit made her feel like a Playboy bunny. I am not certain if that meant a good thing. Considering how Playboy no longer carries the same name that it once did, I suppose it could go either way.

Holly also says that she just recently acquired her new curves, meaning she had always held a thinner figure, but decided to make an effort to gain a few more pounds. Personally, I love girls in all shapes and sizes. However, it is my experience that girls with curvier figures tend to be more reserved in front of the camera. So if a beautiful blonde like Holly wants to rock a thicker look, I say ‘Yahtzee’.

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Harper Scott Afternoon Hunting

Harper Scott was one of the first people that I ever hired to photograph. I jumped online and searched for girls that looked cute and open-minded for the type of photos that I wanted to take. I initially thought I’d be able to schedule a shoot for later that week.

However once I started corresponding with Harper, I took a shot in the dark and asked if she’d be interested in coming over that afternoon for an hour or two. To my surprise, she was game and was at my door in no time. I can’t say I knew exactly what I was doing, nor do I even now. I just know what type of photos I like to see and aim for that. Fortunately, Harper Scott is a sharp girl and easy to work with … the perfect beginning to my long and eventful journey behind the camera.

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Patience Dolder Boats Plus

Patience Dolder is a sweet, goofy, vegan, kinkster from Colorado. She is one of the kindest and most adventurous women I have met. For example, she took the initiative to bring ME a small gift upon our first meeting. That immediately raised the bar for all future girls of Zishy.

At our soy-based luncheon, we were given a humorous order number. After which, we experimented with making a long dress work in provocative photos. Boat supplies shopping at West Marine was fun. Now I just need a boat.

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