Alice Wonder Bicycle Song

Alice Wonder wants to ride her bicycle. As much as Freddie Mercury? Probably not. However, I know she would never use banned substances just to ride faster than others like good ol’ Lance. Which brings me to a subject that has been on my mind for a while. Mr. Armstrong was admired by millions because he battled cancer and was a champion.

Pistorius was similarly glorified for competing on the Olympic track without most of his lower limbs. Yet both of these global tales of heroism are now tainted with scandal. Lance was on the juice and Pistorius allegedly gunned down his girl out of jealous rage. What’s next? It just goes to show that we’re all flawed, well except Alice Wonder of course. Less evening news, more Zishy!

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Alexis Celeice All American

Alexis Celeice has some modeling experience. Can you tell? Minutes after arriving at her place, I picked up on the vibe that she was very concerned with her image as a model and would be a bit reserved. I didn’t really care.

She was so gorgeous that I was going to photograph her within her comfort zone to make sure she made it to Zishy. Alexis is from Northern California and was raised around guns, trucks, and a protective father. She is Manifest Destiny.

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Alaina Fox home cooking

Alaina Fox is a soft spoken nineteen year old from Northern California. Early this Summer, her and her boyfriend packed up their things and decided to make a go for it out here in Los Angeles.

Alaina loves to eat organic, natural foods and often opts for vegetarian dishes. Her guilty pleasure is a bean and cheese burrito from her local Mexican joint. She says eats three or four of them every week!

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Geri Burgess Forecast Love

Geri Burgess is as beautiful as they come. When I first met her, I thought my style of photos would be too much for a girl with such a sweet disposition. I was pleasantly surprised to be incorrect. Geri loves to travel and to run.

She already graduated from college but has sought out adventure since receiving her diploma. She shared stories about wild times in Japan that even made me raise my brows. Geri is a unique young woman who reminded me never to judge a book by its cover.

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Emily Archer Love Water

We now enter our third chapter of the Emily Archer Palm Springs adventure. Only a fool would make a girl sweat in the desert heat and not subsequently soak her in refreshing water. Such a fool, I am not. The Casa de Monte Vista resort had the perfect accommodations in the pool department.
The area is very private and water is naturally treated with salt, which is ideal for Emily’s sensitive ivory skin. After an icy drink and a cool dip, I could feel her mood truly relax and marinate in the laid back environment. Stay tuned for the pantie-less finale. You should always shower after a swim.
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Noelle Easton Halloween Citties

Noelle Easton may be 18 years old and bursting at the right seams, but she has not outgrown Halloween. Heh, that kinda rhymes. We visited the fine establishment named Halloween City on this warm Friday. Yep, temperatures are still pleasant in Porn Valley.

Noelle immediately attracted attention upon our arrival. A kind gentleman leaving the store offered us to photograph on his Harley Davidson, and even though we were in a pinch for time, we could not resist. Then inside, an employee pestered Noelle for a “sexy photo to make [his] girlfriend jealous”. Noelle indulged him, because she’s sweet like that, and the employee went so far as to lift her up into his arms. The place was crawling with people preparing for the holiday, but we managed to get a few photos of our own. Happy Halloween and do not fret, more Easton and her treats coming soon.

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Kelly Lamprin Until It Shines

Upon editing these photos, I realized how the sequence makes no sense. Why would Kelly Lamprin rub lotion on her skin only to jump into the shower shortly after? Did anyone notice this oddity before reading these notes? If you did, you deserve a badge for being hyper-observant.

I certainly would have missed it. All of my attention would be drawn to this incredible girl shedding her underwear and enjoying a hot shower. The water was so warm it made Kelly’s bottom turn red. I found that to be absurdly cute. After drying off, Kelly rushed to her job at a local movie theater. Her clientele must have had no clue that they just missed the real show. BTW, a monthly subscription to Zishy costs less than a movie ticket. Just sayin’.

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Victoria Lynn Visits Promenade

So this adorable 18 year old is Victoria Lynn from West Virginia. She came out to Los Angeles to do some nude modeling. I believe an agent found her on a webcam site and had her fly to LA the next afternoon. I can understand why, from her inviting eyes, full lips, and stunning natural curves.

You will definitely see more of them in upcoming galleries. Even though she was shy at first, which is understandable for such a young girl, Victoria began to warm up to the idea of public shooting during the process. I love it when a girl takes the initiative to express to me that she is having fun. Winning!

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Luna Castro Dark Lovely

A girl like Luna Castro takes me back to my younger days growing up in El Paso, Texas. The population there consists primarily of Mexican Americans, not surprisingly since El Paso is a border town. I am guessing 7 out of every 10 girls that I knew were brunettes with dark complexions.

I will be real with you, this had a lasting impact on my taste in women. People tend to desire that which is rare. Looking through this site, it is evident that I have an inclination towards girls with lighter skin tones. But there are exceptions to every rule and Luna Castro is simply gorgeous even to my discriminating eye. She is also one of the most confident and experienced models that I have ever been lucky enough to photograph. Viva la raza.

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Bree Abernathy In Gutterballs

Bree Abernathy and I decided to roll to the neighborhood bowling alley on this lovely afternoon. Bay Shore Lanes in Santa Monica was very hospitable. Within 5 minutes of arriving, we were told that we could not take photos. Perfect. For some reason, I never have good luck at this type of venue.

Perhaps it is because of the privileged society that frequents a joint where you roll heavy balls at pins and drink beer. Nevertheless, I agreed with the young employee that delivered the mandate. Once she walked away, Bree and I resumed our fun. As Risky Business suggests, sometimes you have to say what the fuck. And that is what we did. And these are the results. Feast, you lovers of red hair!

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