Delia Castillo Editors Cut

Delia Castillo is a rare find. She has the beauty of a delicate bird but the rough edge of a young Latina who was born and raised in Orange County, CA. I had a brief shoot with Delia on a Friday afternoon and we only had enough time to capture two updates for the site.

Thanks to a subscriber, I was reminded to publish this second gallery. It never hurts to ask, so if you ever wonder whether more of your particular favorite girl is coming up please drop me an email. My long-time mentor, J. Stephen Hicks, would always proclaim his mantra, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”

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Delia Castillo Black Tights and Sun

Delia Castillo is a petite Latina from Southern Cali. I had her photographically explore the phenomena of the black-tight-trend with me. It is a recurring theme that has mystified many a male in the colder months. It’s as if the female gender found the perfect way to give the finger to Father Winter who said you couldn’t look sexy and stay relatively warm.
And when the sun shines bright, pure magic occurs. Lululemon may not describe it in such a positive manner. They are a yoga apparel manufacturer that came under fire recently for selling products that were transparent in direct light. Apparently many girls were doing yoga without panties under their Lulu-pants. What is this world coming to?


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