Natalie Moore Sand Crackles

Natalie Moore is originally from Maryland. So when I asked if I could photograph her enjoying some SoCal beach rays, the idea met with a resounding ‘yes’. We made sure to first cool our innards with frozen drinks provided by Taco Bell, a proud sponsor of Zishy. I wish.

Then we hit Playa Vista and turned heads at the basketball courts. I suppose they found me attractive. Once we got to the water, it did not take long for sand to crawl up every crevice of Natalie’s. After moshing with waves, she rinsed at the showers alongside some kiddos. Even today, my car’s backseat holds sandy souvenirs from this outing with Natalie Moore. It was worth it.

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Serina Cardoni Hello Dolly

Did you forget about Serina Cardoni? How dare you. Editing down this girl’s photos is such a painful process. I have an astronomically heavy trigger finger when she is in front of me. But hard drives are huge these days, so deal with it. I confess, when Serina proposed this outfit to shoot in, there was some fist-pumping going on in my head.

The girl is stunning and is surprisingly modest. Every compliment I paid her received a softly-spoken ‘thank you’ in return. Hope this natural, laid back beauty brightens your Sunday. Serina, you have humbled me as a photo editor.

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Tristan Berrimore Burb Perv

It was not hard to bring the rebel side out of Tristan Berrimore. We took these in one of the nicer neighborhoods of North Hollywood. Tristan is from Florida. Apparently, there are lots of naughty kids in that state. You ever seen the movie, Bully? That had a lasting impression of the Floridian youth on me.

I also recall the one time I was in the Sunshine State. It was for a wedding and we took the groom out for an impromptu bachelor party. At the club, the most eye-catching stripper wore a smile full of braces and did not look a lick above 17. Through my covert investigation, I discovered that my suspicions were justified. They grow up fast in Florida. True story.

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Jules Diamond Modern Guilt

Jules Diamond allowed me to photograph her at her place. Some girls are hesitant about that sort of thing, but I tell them that its safer for the girl to invite me to their place then for the girl to enter a complete stranger’s home, right? Plus, who wants to have to pack all sorts of crap into a suitcase and battle the Los Angeles traffic?
Also, potential models often ask if I hire a makeup artist or if I have a photo studio. I swiftly confess that I only photograph girls who do not need professional makeup in order to look appealing. And if I was limited to shooting in the same environment each time, I’d feel like a mouse on an exercise wheel. For better or worse, I’ll stick to winging it.


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Kenze Thomas Has It Mike’s Way

Kenze Thomas is one of the most adorable girls that I have ever worked with. If she is representative of the typical Iowa girl, then I shall be relocating soon. She wants to one day become a doctor and is in college working towards that aim.

She had her shy moments, but in the end, went along with all my antics. We had a sub at Jersey Mike’s, which Kenze had to admit is WAY better than Subway. Sorry, Jared. She also showed me some tongue tricks. I didn’t realize how hard it is to lick your own elbow. I bet you end up giving it a shot.

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Amber Sym Helium Suit

I dared Amber Sym to pose for me in this sheer American Apparel bodysuit. She giggled and said, “I thought this was a clothed photoshoot!?” Fortunately, her hesitation was short-lived and she caved.

When she’s not posing for Playboy, Amber Sym is busy making videos for her Youtube Channel. Her recent update was a parody of Kate Upton doing the Cat Daddy dance.

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Bailey Rayne New Lingerie

Bailey Rayne whipped out this revealing piece of lingerie that she had just acquired and asked if I would be up for for the task. Um, yeah, I think I can manage. I apologize to you in advance for the mesh material leaving less to the imagination than usual. Bailey is a music aficionado.

We spoke of Zimmer, Glass, Greenwood, and other composers I enjoy. Her knowledge far surpassed mine, so I just asked questions and held my tongue. Brains, body, and sexuality; Bailey Rayne wins the trifecta.

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April Grantham When Nature Calls

I like April Grantham. She is super chill and ready to enjoy nature. These were taken in one of the canyons in the Topanga/Malibu area. We went for a hike and both agreed that our situation did not suck. The land was parched due to the drought here in California, but we also had no job or class to report to on this day.

Guess you just gotta appreciate the positive in life and not dwell on the negative. For instance, most of us can celebrate the fact that we were not choked to death by a cop this week. Aphex Twin’s “Rhubarb” is the song in the bonus video.

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Geri Burgess Type Oh

Captain Obvious here again to report that Geri Burgess is incredible. A few months ago, her beauty earned her a contract with a “mainstream” modeling agency. However, recently someone posted all her Zishy links along with her agency page to an online forum. It was surprising since she is published here under a pseudonym.

So someone either seriously did their homework, or what I suspect is more likely, someone who personally knows Geri did her this disservice. Long story short, Geri seems to have been dropped by the moronic agency. I did my best to console her and said she was better off without them. They seemed too small-time for Geri’s potential anyways. Puritans really have no business representing the Bold & Beautiful of this world.

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Natalie Austin Hanging Outlets

Back in Houston, Natalie Austin and I visit an outlet mall. This curvy twenty-year-old is brave. The sweater she walked around in offered less than complete coverage. Then, her white tank left little to the imagination.

I wonder if the young men working the kiosks will remember the sight. They certainly could not let the vision pass without some excited commentary. The Pooh and Clifford rides ate our quarters. Would have made for a cute video clip. Total buzzkill. Song in the bonus video is “Talk to Me” by Peaches.

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